Leonie van Dongen

My name is Leonie van Dongen and I was just about everything a PT and nutrition coach would not want as a client; a chocoholic with a horror for sports.    

After years of physical complaints, which I attribute to neglected problems after a serious car accident and stress, my body immediately went into a spasm. Conclusion; a neck hernia. This forced me to really start with physiotherapy with Thijmen. A few more things came to light here, which could be summarized as ‘heavy overdue maintenance’. My muscles were wrongly or underdeveloped due to a total lack of exercise, wrong posture, wrong breathing, hypermobility and going on too long. So there was work to be done, because physiotherapy alone was not going to be enough. I had to go to the PT. With fresh reluctance and very skeptical, I must add.   

However, this skeptical attitude changed quite quickly. Step by step my program was expanded and under Thijmen’s watchful eye my body gradually became stronger. Less and less often I got out of bed in the morning like an elderly Quasimodo. I became more aware of my attitude and what not to do. Twice a week for half an hour, in a way that was attuned to my complaints and my body’s ability, and pushing the limits a little more, had an effect. And, to be honest, I also started to see that my body was starting to change. Feeling is one thing, seeing is also quite motivating.  

Then came the next challenge; I had to lose pounds because there was someone crazy enough to want to marry me. 😊 Besides Thijmen, Bart is a ‘presence’ in the team, with his own extra specialty; nutrition. In March this year I started coaching by Bart in balancing my diet; what can you eat, what can’t you, do grab this or that, instead of the less healthy variety. With room for a splurge every now and then: life should also remain fun of course. And, quelle surprise; that also had an effect. Reached my goal weight in September and was radiant in my dress!      

I have been working with the gentlemen for over a year now. The fresh reluctance has turned into ‘yes, I’m looking forward to it again’ and the result is impressive, if I do say so myself. Thijmen and Bart also contribute to this of course, it is twice half an hour a week where I can just leave all the daily stress outside, laugh for half an hour and be good at it. So, if, like me, you dislike sports, are physically rotten, but still want to become fitter/stronger and want to lose some pounds: contact these men. You’ll be fine then!