Veronique van Zanten

Never ever would I have imagined that I could walk 5 km without drawbacks, let alone run them. And not so much because of the performance itself, but because of the pain afterwards in my extremely crooked body. Until PT/physiotherapist Bart van Haren from OakPT started training me specifically on hip stability and leg muscles two years ago (after he had first completely patched me up). 

And hip, hip hooray : today I ran the 5km Singelloop for the second time, without pain. I have to cheer about this for a while, not for reaping thumbs up and compliments (I got enough of those already 😁) but to share my joy – for whomever that is relevant – that even if you think it stands no chance, or that you are ‘too old’, there is always a way to get better physically, and to exercise, as long as you have the help of a pro.”